Category: Writing

Category: Writing

Overcoming Resistance: The Writer’s Greatest Enemy

It wasn’t until I sat down to write when I found out that my greatest enemy aside from myself is what Steven Pressfield calls Resistance. (Yes, with the capital R.) Writers call it writer’s block, but I don’t believe it exists; it is just an invention of one’s laziness and procrastination.

The Power of Why

If there’s one thing a writer shouldn’t miss is this: the why in the art of writing. It just dawned on me tonight that there are good, better, and great writers out there, even bad and worse ones, and the chasm separating great ones such as these literary figures from Faulkner to Hemingway, Nabokov to

Sheer Joy of Writing

Oh yes! that sheer joy of writing freely until you get used to it. Your greatest enemy when you sit down and stare on that blank page is you. I just discovered the secret on how to overcome myself when I don’t feel like it and I know it will never be taken away from

You Don’t Wait for Inspiration

Writers’ tip: You don’t wait for inspiration because the muse doesn’t exist. Writers and artists chase the inspiration. Get to work!” #writing #nocturnal Do you agree?


Does the title matter to you? Of course it does! It can make or break a blog post to the extent where a reader can simply close the tab and visit other websites. And like every writer and blogger would love to do, I want to learn how to create catchy titles and thought leadership

Post-Valentine’s Day Letter For You!

Dear reader, (Belated) Happy Valentine’s Day to you! I want you to know I appreciate you for visiting my site. I know there are tons of great blogs out there, but you chose to be here. Here’s a warm hug for you. To spice up this blog, I am intentionally writing a letter through a

The Top 3 Problems With “Platform” Blogs

This guest post is by Nick Thacker of Does the term “building a platform,” mean anything to you? If you’re like me, you’ve heard that exact phrase way too many times – maybe you’ve even used it yourself. It’s the modern-day version of “Web 2.0,” “synergy,” and “social media marketing.” It seems like every

13 eBooks for Freelance Writers to Kickstart 2013

Thinking how you can jumpstart your freelance writing this 2013? Know what? Nobody owns you. You can start anytime. Take it one step at a time. And that kind of mindset will change your perspective and standards as you get along with clients. The perks of solopreneurs – you handle your own business, manage your

Avoid These 15 Grammatical Errors

Take note of these 15 grammar goofs before you submit those articles or hit the publish button. via Copyblogger Like this infographic? Get more content marketing tips from Copyblogger.

7 Steps on How to Become a Better Writer

Write. Write more. Write even if you don’t feel like it. Write. Just write. Write more and don’t stop. Write and re-write. Write and keep on writing.

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