Category: Business

Category: Business

Top 5 AI Tools That Every Content Marketer Should Use

You’ll find this amusing, but this article is written purely by the human mind. I am pretty much open and transparent about AI content in my work. Some clients encouraged me to use AI tools to expedite content production. But honestly, I’d instead use these tools as my assistants rather than entirely depend on them.

B2B Content Marketer’s Guide: How to Thrive in the Era of Google’s Helpful Content Update

Navigating the labyrinth of B2B content marketing isn’t for the faint-hearted or those resistant to change. Google’s latest content update comes like a hurricane, upending the house of cards constructed by keyword-stuffed, SEO-overload strategies. Ready to weather this storm and convert it into tailwinds for your content journey? Let’s sidestep trivial, overused tactics and transform

4 Things I Learned From William Zinsser’s On Writing Well

One of my rituals, before I write, is read a few chapters of William Zinsser’s On Writing Well. It’s one of my non-negotiables before I start writing or whenever I feel stuck. Or to pump my creative juices. The book always reminds me to “dejargonize” industry terms.

The Creative Life and Productivity: 5 Things I Learned this Week

We’re 13 days into 2018. Time flies fast and before we know it we’re going to cap 2018 with a bang.

Will eBooks and Electronic Publications Disrupt Traditional Publishing?

E-books are popular these days. In the Philippines, the popularity of electronic publishing is opening doors for bloggers, writers, and aspiring authors. If you would like to become a published author,  I think it’s time to overcome resistance and start writing your first draft or launch a blog as a platform. No Excuses Few days

How Does Google Authorship Markup Affect Freelance Writers?

I recently stumbled upon a post about Google Authorship Markup, which made me wonder if this can affect freelance writers – web content writers and bloggers alike. We all know that there’s a big difference between writing on web pages and papers. If you create content in the digital world – whether you’re a freelance

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