Category: Creativity

Category: Creativity

50 of the Greatest Quotes for Writers

Having a hard time finding your muse today? That feeling when you can’t seem to find the right words and you’re stuck―the ever present battle against resistance is overwhelming―don’t be surprised! This is part of our becoming as writers. And as pros, we must show up, sit for hours, and embrace our callings―to write. To

14 Best Apps for Writers: Essential Tools for Daily Writing Stints

Have you been playing the role of Jack? Jack-of-all-trades? I bet it must have been hard to keep up with all the projects for the first quarter of this year. As far as I’ve observed, January is all about momentum. For us writers, it’s the peak season because everyone’s back to business. January is a

The Loneliest Profession Ever

“I have never felt so lonely in my life.” I thought about it three days ago while resting my eyes in the middle of my writing project. I felt it was a long and tedious day. I wasn’t effective (in writing with zeal and passion) compared a few weeks ago. What just happened? I was

Overcoming Resistance: The Writer’s Greatest Enemy

It wasn’t until I sat down to write when I found out that my greatest enemy aside from myself is what Steven Pressfield calls Resistance. (Yes, with the capital R.) Writers call it writer’s block, but I don’t believe it exists; it is just an invention of one’s laziness and procrastination.

The Power of Why

If there’s one thing a writer shouldn’t miss is this: the why in the art of writing. It just dawned on me tonight that there are good, better, and great writers out there, even bad and worse ones, and the chasm separating great ones such as these literary figures from Faulkner to Hemingway, Nabokov to

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