It was my first time to attend the 8th Philippine Blogging Summit. I came all the way from Pampanga, less than an hour and half travel time.Touchdown U.P. Diliman – around 7AM! I captured photos of U.P. College of Law and the famous sunken garden with my new friend, a fellow blogger and photographer, Jovelyn Bajo.The famous quote says, “The early bird catches the early worm.” I didn’t catch any worm. However, I had all the time I needed for rest and mingling with other bloggers.

I have cultivated a teachable attitude wherever I go. I keep on reminding myself that I need to glean useful tips from the “pros” in the industry to enhance my skills as a freelance writer and blogger. Clients train me on blogging and social media through outsourcing jobs, but I also want to hear from fellow Filipino bloggers and “techpreneurs.”On my way to the conference, I learned how to:
- Wait for the right time – traffic jams, distractions, and nuisances. Patience is a virtue. A writer should have this attitude. Writing skills develop over time.
- Empty my mind for fresh ideas – there’s always a temptation to act and think as if we know it all. It starts in the mind, but the truth is, we don’t know everything. There is no room for learning to those who think they know everything.
- Socialize and be real – make friends and expand the network. It’s not what we get from these people. The real deal is the relationship. A writer should learn how to develop relational skills, whether online or offline.
iBlog8 speakers: May 25, 2012 (Friday)
- Carlo Ople – Unboxing the true potential of your blog
- Highlight: “Relentless passion”
- The two powerful words left indelible marks in my heart. Relentless passion includes fearless commitment to our work. Passion motivates us to unleash our creativity as writers and bloggers.
- Mark Joseph Delgado - Creating a Blog Activation Campaign
- Highlight: “What difference can you make?”
- The thought struck me. Let us “begin with the end in mind.” Make use of the Internet. Let’s develop our talents and skills as writers and bloggers to raise awareness. The world is tainted; how can we make the lives of our readers will meaningful?
- Sean Patrick Si – On Site Optimization 101
- Highlight: “Basic.”
- I asked questions after his talk outside the hall. I’m proud of my brother in Christ soaring high in this industry. I’m not surprised with the way he speaks. He’s full of confidence and authority in his niche. He’s a true-blooded Christian, indeed. To sum it up, I gleaned simple answers to my complicated questions about Penguin updates. It’s more of SEO stuff and not so much of content. At the end of the day, it’s all about creating unique and compelling content. Title tags and keyword prominence are just icing on the cake.
- Kim Tyrone Agapito - Utilizing Blog Networks for SEO and Social Media Traffic
- Highlight: “Ammunitions of Internet.”
- Well, it’s really a battle field on the Internet. Imagine billions of domains and Web sites. If you’re aspiring to earn money online and rank on search engine’s page one top results, it’s time to use the ammunitions – content, micro-blogging, social media, networks, forums, etc.
- Danilo Araro - Blogging, social media and journalism: The use, misuse and abuse of freedom of expression
- Highlight: “Responsible bloggers should recognize that they are publishing words publicly, and they have certain ethical obligations to their readers, the people they write about and society in general.” “Intelligent blogging.”
- You are what you write. So think before you click.
- Tonyo Cruz – Social Media and Social Change
- Highlight: “Bloggers are citizens.”
- It’s time to leverage on the Internet to change this nation. Be part of the history. My personal revelation in this topic is biblical. Bloggers are like watchmen. In ancient Israel, the watchmen’s responsibility is to guard the walls of Jerusalem from the enemies and attacks. Watchman in Hebrew is opeh, meaning “one who looks out, spies, watches.” Bloggers are watchmen. They stand on the mountain of action for this nation.
- Gellie Anne Abogado - Unwritten Blogging Etiquettes
- Highlight: “I shall be accountable for all the things I put up and write about in my blog.”
- A published blog is considered an online publication, and we are responsible for the content. It’s okay if there are disagreements on our blogs because we are accountable for the posts, comments, and replies of fellow bloggers. Reply with humility and correct with love.
- Lloyd Salac – Youth and Blogging: The Next Generation Bloggers Are Here
- Highlight: “Improve writing and develop a passion for it.”
- The youth in this generation is rising. Blogging is the medium of expression. However, they should be informed and educated about online publishing to improve skills and enhanced their creativity and voice. The voice of the youth should be heard.
- James Jimenez - Kasali Kayo: Reaching Out to Overseas Filipinos for the 2013 Elections via Social Media
- Highlight: “VOLUNTEER!”
- Our efforts are not in vain, and they will produce results in the next election. We have to unite and be part of it. Blog and be heard. One vote can change this nation. Let’s not despise small beginnings.
- Boris Joaquin – Bloggers and the new PR community
- Highlight: “Passion as Core Competency”
- The secret behind every successful career is passion. Writers and bloggers give birth to new ideas because they love what they do. Whether we sleep or work, fearless commitment manifests. Passion attracts loyal tribe.
- Garry Zaldy De Castro – Financial Planning for Bloggers
- Highlight: “20:10:70 rule”
- The principle of tithing and giving has tremendously shifted my income. We return to what God has entrusted to us. No holds barred, no bargaining. Tithing opens the door for an increase on 20% savings and 70% miscellaneous. Believe me! It works!

The iBlog8 experience motivated me to dream big. My eyes of faith opened, and I saw an opportunity. In line with my niche as a freelance writer, my greatest goal is to help my fellow writers and bloggers gain personal and financial independence.Working at home will change the lifestyle of Filipino community. More than anything else, time spent with family is valuable than precious stones and gold. I want to teach fellow bloggers and writers to leverage on the new economy. The rise of independent contractors is still on its infancy.I see myself building the broken walls of Filipino families. Success is not geographical. It’s about timing and attitude of the person.I met new friends in iBlog8. They are fellow bloggers from different places and backgrounds. Two things unite us. It’s what we call passion for blogging and drive to change this world for the better.